Eva - Client of the month
August 2017
Last May, Eva joined our Guidance program all the way from Chicago! Since then, she never ceased to amaze us! No matter what was going on in her life, she made a commitment to put herself first and not let excuses get in the way of her health journey. Throughout the program, Eva has been managing to keep up with her nutrition and training all while traveling, not having all the equipment in her home, learning and reading, letting go of old beliefs that never served her well, and just be incredibly persistent! She took ownership of the process, and that's why she's getting amazing results! She has some good insights to share... 

Q: What was your goal when you originally signed up?
Eva: I needed to be healthier and more fit! I also needed someone to hold me accountable with this because I couldn’t hold myself accountable, and neither could my friends! I had a friend who was trying to, and they gave me Pilates exercises to do, but it wasn't enough! I really needed to have a structured approach!

Q: Why was it important to you to get healthy and fit?
Eva: I had a very stressful year the previous year! I had put on a lot of weight, and I felt like I needed to get healthier and reduce stress in my life. I wasn't doing well health-wise, especially with sleep and fitness. I wasn't happy, and I wasn't comfortable with my body!

Q: Tell me more about some of the symptoms you were experiencing before we started!
Eva:I wouldn't sleep through the night! I would always get up at least once or twice to go to the bathroom. I’d sleep in, and never get up early. I’d also go to bed late. I could go until like 1 o’clock before I had my first meal. I’d work, work, work, and then forget that I hadn't eaten. I didn't eat very many meals! I shoved my food down fast (as fast as possible) my entire life. I didn't do any cooking whatsoever! I only bought what I thought was healthy at whole foods, like some protein with quinoa salad, or salad with carrots or broccoli. Pretty much everything was from the deli. I was cutting out all sugar and dairy. The only dairy that I ate...
Liza - Client of the month
July 2017
Liza, a mom of 4, is one of our amazing clients! Not only has she come a long way, but despite all the challenges and the responsibilities she has, she has been fully committed to making her health a priority!

We look forward to seeing you evolve continuously! 

Q: What was your goal when you originally signed up with us?
Liza: I had a few goals! Nutrition is a big part of why I came. I needed some direction in knowing which things to do to get my body in shape. I wasn’t super knowledgeable about lifting, or different exercises to do. I wanted to know because I had been through some health issues recently.

Q: Why was this important to you?
Liza: My health, in general, is very important to me! I kind of got into a rut of feeling tired too often, and it was difficult to do the things that I wanted to do in my daily life. I wanted to have more energy, strength, and flexibility to move around without feeling uncomfortable.

Q: How long have you had these goals for before signing up for the program? How long have you been thinking about it?
Liza: Pretty much my entire adult life, at different levels! I would say the most recent period of thinking about this probably started a few months before I signed up here. I was sort of waiting to be done with some of my medical treatments before I got too involved in anything, but I was thinking about it before I could actually dive in. I was waiting for the time when it would be appropriate to...
Sally & Alison - Clients of the month
April 2017
Sally & Alison... mother & daughter! They both have been making wonderful progress by having the right attitude and focusing on the journey, not the destination! this is why having a strong "why" is so important. We are very proud of them and we wanted to share their stories...

Q: What was your first goal before starting? What are some of the goals you still want to work on?

Alison: When I first started I just wanted to get stronger! I was having a lot of trouble with my back, and so I’ve been working on that ever since, but my goal has changed somewhat. I really feel that everything you do here leads towards better health and your future life. It's really a powerful, inspirational kind of journey we’re on, IF we allow ourselves to be on it!

Sally: It had been a stressful year, as I just finished a year of going through a divorce and I found myself repeatedly being sick. Just dealing with this lengthy illness which was unusual for me. I had been very healthy and have been exercising for years, but I wasn't getting my exercise in. I came to thinking “Well I'm going to get healthier and get back on my exercise routine!” I think what happened is that I realized there was a lot of other health factors that were going on in my life, and start to address those. A lot of change! 

Q: Why are these goals important for you?

Alison: Well, I think life is a journey and you have to go through it step by step! Everything is a teaching moment, and so the whole of life is getting towards living the ultimate, the best you possibly can. So, any advantage or anything that’s offered to you as you grow up and go through life of immense importance to you, and you should pay attention to those things when they appear to you. That’s been the inspiration for my being here and doing other things, and that’s promoted my life, at this age, to being a happy human being. That’s a wonderful thing at my age, really!

Sally: I think, staying consistent with health and exercise is really important! When I find myself...  READ MORE
Ayushi - Client of the month
March 2017
Ayushi has been following the Guidance Program for only 3 months. She is a graduate student, has very little extra time but decided to at least start with something... Well, she has been making a lot a great progress and we can attribute most of it to her dedication and proactivity in the process of learning. She's feeling more energized, she lost inches around the waist and has a much better understanding on how to fuel her body right! Ayushi, 21

History & Setting the stage...

What was your goal when you first originally signed up?
Well, when I originally signed up my goal was to get “Sari” ready. I have graduation on April 30th and I have to wear a Sari for that. I just need to look fit, it’s not about looking thin! So that’s where I started, because in the Sari the main part that you can see is the stomach. It’s the only exposed part of your body. So that’s why my main goal was to get my stomach in. Also, with my body type my arms and legs have always been thinner, so it's always like fat in the middle torso.

Why was this important to you?
It was important to me because for the last three and a half years, 7 semesters, I have basically focused and given everything to my academics, to my career and I've given nothing to my personal fitness. I was pretty fed up! Also, I’m a vegetarian so that makes it very hard to eat well, to be full and eat healthy at the same time. The "healthy" salads never fill me, and when I have to fill myself I end up resorting to rice, potatoes, or cheese and bread and none of that is great food! So, if I don't start now it’s going to be bad, because I have to go home for the summer. I need to game plan right now! That is why It was really important to me to just prioritize my body for this last semester. I have already gotten into school; my grades are what they are! I had to prioritize my health which was important to me... READ MORE
Diane - Client of the Month
February 2017
Only 2 months in her program and she has changed the way she feels about food, lost more 2 inches around the waist and has improved her posture! Diane, 52

History & Setting the stage...
What was your goal when you originally signed up? 
To lose 10 lbs., and to feel more toned and more lean!

Why was this important? 
My clothes were starting to get tight and I was just not feeling attractive. I was disappointed with myself because I had already lost 10lbs and I gained it back again. I was working out a lot, but it wasn’t helping me lose the weight. I thought I wasn’t eating all that much, but my cravings were REALLY bad!! And I remember when I met you and you said: “Cravings aren’t your fault and I can help you with that,” and this was a huge attraction to you guys. Especially the whole “holistic approach.” I knew there had to be a better way because I wasn’t getting the results on my own and I even worked with other fitness people... READ MORE

Elizabeth - Client of the Month
January 2017

8 months into her program, she lost 8.5% Body Fat and looking great at 52!

History & Setting the stage...

What was your goal when you originally signed up? 
"My goal was to lose weight. I was getting very distressed because I used to be in shape and I was losing muscle tone. I wanted to be comfortable wearing something sleeveless. I was noticing that I had been losing muscle tone, because I was always working out in the past, and I felt over my normal weight." 

Why was this important? 
"I feel better about myself when I look good. Its everything. A little bit of vanity is actually healthy, and when you feel strong and you look good it changes you! It brings confidence into everything you do!"

How long had you had this goal? 
"I had a life event happened and went into a tough time. I felt out of it for about 2 years, then I decided it was time to start back up!"

What were the top 1-2 things that held you back from achieving your goal? 
"Figuring out how to get started and with who. Also, my lack of energy!"... READ MORE
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