Last May, Eva joined our Guidance program all the way from Chicago! Since then, she never ceased to amaze us! No matter what was going on in her life, she made a commitment to put herself first and not let excuses get in the way of her health journey. Throughout the program, Eva has been managing to keep up with her nutrition and training all while traveling, not having all the equipment in her home, learning and reading, letting go of old beliefs that never served her well, and just be incredibly persistent! She took ownership of the process, and that's why she's getting amazing results! She has some good insights to share...
Q: What was your goal when you originally signed up?
Eva: I needed to be healthier and more fit! I also needed someone to hold me accountable with this because I couldn’t hold myself accountable, and neither could my friends! I had a friend who was trying to, and they gave me Pilates exercises to do, but it wasn't enough! I really needed to have a structured approach!
Q: Why was it important to you to get healthy and fit?
Eva: I had a very stressful year the previous year! I had put on a lot of weight, and I felt like I needed to get healthier and reduce stress in my life. I wasn't doing well health-wise, especially with sleep and fitness. I wasn't happy, and I wasn't comfortable with my body!
Q: Tell me more about some of the symptoms you were experiencing before we started!
Eva:I wouldn't sleep through the night! I would always get up at least once or twice to go to the bathroom. I’d sleep in, and never get up early. I’d also go to bed late. I could go until like 1 o’clock before I had my first meal. I’d work, work, work, and then forget that I hadn't eaten. I didn't eat very many meals! I shoved my food down fast (as fast as possible) my entire life. I didn't do any cooking whatsoever! I only bought what I thought was healthy at whole foods, like some protein with quinoa salad, or salad with carrots or broccoli. Pretty much everything was from the deli. I was cutting out all sugar and dairy. The only dairy that I ate...