


Ayushi - Client of the Month
March 2017

Ayushi has been following the Guidance Program for only 3 months. She is a graduate student, has very little extra time but decided to at least start with something... Well, she has been making a lot a great progress and we can attribute most of it to her dedication and proactivity in the process of learning. She's feeling more energized, she lost inches around the waist and has a much better understanding on how to fuel her body right! Ayushi, 21

History & Setting the stage...

What was your goal when you first originally signed up?
Well, when I originally signed up my goal was to get “Sari” ready. I have graduation on April 30th and I have to wear a Sari for that. I just need to look fit, it’s not about looking thin! So that’s where I started, because in the Sari the main part that you can see is the stomach. It’s the only exposed part of your body. So that’s why my main goal was to get my stomach in. Also, with my body type my arms and legs have always been thinner, so it's always like fat in the middle torso.

Why was this important to you?
It was important to me because for the last three and a half years, 7 semesters, I have basically focused and given everything to my academics, to my career and I've given nothing to my personal fitness. I was pretty fed up! Also, I’m a vegetarian so that makes it very hard to eat well, to be full and eat healthy at the same time. The "healthy" salads never fill me, and when I have to fill myself I end up resorting to rice, potatoes, or cheese and bread and none of that is great food! So, if I don't start now it’s going to be bad, because I have to go home for the summer. I need to game plan right now! That is why It was really important to me to just prioritize my body for this last semester. I have already gotten into school; my grades are what they are! I had to prioritize my health which was important to me.

On top of your physique goals you had mentioned other reasons this is important to you. Can you talk a little bit about that?
I’m anemic, so another goal is just to feel energetic! I have to drink a couple of cups of coffee just to feel like a normal person. I also have migraines, so I can't have too much coffee. I can use those kinds of means only to an extent and beyond that I just have to build internal energy and give my body the tools to be energetic, and not have to rely on things like coffee on a daily basis. I wanted to build energy.

How long have you had this goal for before signing up for this program?
I pretty much had this goal from the end of my sophomore year, so around two years ago, but it just never happened because my entire junior year was spent on my GRE, my college applications, financial aid. My last semester I had two big very difficult subjects for my neuroscience major, which left me with no energy left to workout because I was continuously studying. Finally, I have one semester left until graduation and if it doesn't happen now, it won't ever happen!

What were the top 1-2 things that held you back from achieving your goal? 

My schedule was definitely one of the biggest things. The second was that every time I had a goal to workout it was never to get a personal trainer, because I always knew it was expensive. It was more just starting to work out. For two and a half weeks during winter break, I just did cardio and my normal workout. I thought it was good, and then finally when I met with you and we spoke, I thought maybe this wasn't the best way to go about it. Maybe my way was not holistic! When you said “we believe” in all these things, there were many things I had never thought about, so I thought maybe I need a personal trainer. That was when the goal of personal trainer happened!

What have you tried before to get to your goals?
Working out on the treadmill or just using the elliptical. I did a little bit of yoga too because my dad was a yoga instructor. Other than that, I really tried to cut back on Coke. It was winter break and I had nothing to do so I made myself stir fry, home cooked food for pretty much the entire time, and started to cut back on cheese because over the years I noticed that cheese grows the fastest on my body for some reason. I would try things like that, which as a normal uninformed person, I thought was effective! Dieting was never a thing. Coming from an Indian family, not eating food is stupid! I am not just going to eat salad! My mom would be like “you’re being stupid!” That was never an option! It was just about getting to the gym, being more conscious of what I eat, and cooking it.

Getting Started...

How did you find out about Green Rocks Fitness?
I live in Kenmawr, so I have always known you guys existed, I just never cared until I met Jeff from your office. I was talking to him and I said I just need a guiding force in my life, I don't need someone to monitor me, I just need someone to guide me. I just need someone to tell me “this is good… this is bad…just do this…!” I don’t have a problem with motivation. The problem was more knowledge and information. Specifically, accurate information. Jeff told you, you emailed me, and we set up a time to come in.

What originally prompted you to see us out?
Other than my schedule, it was more like the urgency hit me. For those two weeks I did my cardio and everything, I didn't feel any different. I’m the same person, I just wasted two weeks! Then I thought, “maybe I’m doing something wrong. Who knows?” So, then I thought to ask someone if I was doing something wrong, because that would help. That is when I thought “what if I got a second opinion from someone who is good and then I will go from there?” I have four months and I don't have space for mistakes, or trials and experiments. Whatever we do needs to be the best for my body!

Were you already exercising prior to enrolling?  What was your experience with fitness? 
 I would do cardio whenever I found time within the semester, so maybe once every three weeks or something like that. Prior to this, I took a fitness class with Pitt in my sophomore year, two years ago, and it was a “Bollywood” fitness class and I thought that was cool. They had a professional instructor who facilitates the class, and that class was one of my fitness introductions. Other than that, it has pretty much been yoga because my dad was an instructor. We also used to do a lot of yoga in school, as yoga was a mandatory class within the schedule. 

 When you originally signed up what was your first goal? Were you driven once you signed up with us? 
 The first goal was to just lose 2 inches, be Sari-ready, and then that evolved. The thing with me was that I signed up because I was driven. That’s why I didn't need you every single session with me, because once I decide on something I’m very stubborn. I will do it until I finish it! That hit me, but for me to get started and finish my fitness in a reasonable fashion I need someone to guide me. That was the cherry on the cake. I just have to make it a goal, and then it will happen! I just never prioritized it because there were so many other things on my priorities list. Then I just got fed up and said this has to go up there! 

 How were you feeling about yourself and the program upon enrolling. 
 I was very impatient right when I started because I didn't know how this was going to happen. It seemed impossible, and of course the internet tells you a lot more nonsense than you need to know, so that makes you even more nervous. It makes you think “I can't do this, I can't achieve my goals… this is so sad.” Then I met you and you told me about all these things and I thought even if I don't lose inches, even if I don't achieve that physique goal, at least I know that I have achieved a better lifestyle! So the fact that I sleep more, eat better, I put thought into things, I know the real facts… THAT is so much more rewarding than just the physical change. The physical change is great, but if it is coming at the cost of your body, your sleep, your health, and mental awareness then that is really not worth it! The process became as important to me as my goal. That is what changed too. I lost way more than I expected, and that’s great! What’s more I take away from it the sleep patterns and the nutrition patterns. That will last with me forever! Lets be honest, I’m 21… I have so many years to lose whatever inches I want, but then the opportunity to be more holistically aware is a very different rewarding experience! 

The Now... 

How do you feel now after going through most of the program? 
I feel my goal had been achieved and I have become much more patient with it. I have become much more aware and there is a sense of satisfaction in every area. I lost my inches and I've created a different lifestyle. Even today, eating for me at home is very difficult, but whenever I’m eating at school I’m pairing things right and am having my snacks. Not everything is organic, but at least my snacks are. Huge changes have come, which is great. I've achieved much more than I asked for! 

How do you feel about the future? 
I feel like whatever I have learned is for the long term. I can take it and I can apply it. I can even do the exercises you've given me when I go home to India for three months. I asked my dad “Can you find me a gym near home?” He said “what are you talking about?”, because we've never done anything like that. None of us are fitness freaks, but he was like “okay, let me google this.” So, I’m going to continue that schedule as much as I can now that I have exercises I can choose from. Also, another thing I achieved is knowing how to use weightlifting equipment. I had never even touched that stuff before. Now when I enter a gym, I’m just like “I got this! I know how to use that!” 

So basically, what you are saying is what you have learned is sustainable?
It is sustainable, and it is very organic-like and implicit. It is not an artificial “outer” thing. It is not a temporary faze. Going home helps even more because that is home cooked food every time, and my mom is super nutrition-conscious, so I don't have to worry about it now. I just have to maintain a gym schedule, which I now can because I'm informed. I love information! Information energizes me! I run with it! 

 What do you love the most about Green Rocks, what we do and the program you have been following? 
 The biggest thing about Green Rocks, the biggest reason I am here with you today, is because of the flexibility! I obviously didn't fit into any of your traditional programs, and the fact that you guys were willing to take your time, energy, and money and mold that to my convenience was a big thing. I am a college student, and budget and timing are everything! I could delegate with both of those things in an appropriate manner. When it comes to appointments you guys are very understanding! You understand that I’m a person, other than just being your client! I love your approach to it! It starts from ground zero, for everyone, irrespective. I am sure if I went to any other place they would make me do exercises to lose that weight, and call it a day. But we start from ground zero, and we build things! We don't just take all the built things and install it. That is very exciting because you’re a part of the process. You feel the rewards even better, rather than someone just giving it to you. 

 What other things did you like in the program? 
There is nothing that I would necessarily improve, because I think you are pretty much getting the whole thing at your own time and convenience! Also, because we live in the age of technology, and I’m of that generation of millennials that live for technology, even if you just send me a video, to me it’s as effective as you being there! For someone else you may need to be there. Technology doesn't substitute for them. For me, to just see your videos is enough for me to correct things. Of course, I send you what I’m doing and you give me feedback. 

 What would say to someone who is just starting out or looking to start with Green Rocks? 
 Always keep an open mind! The reason you have joined Green Rocks is because you trust someone to know more than you know, and they give you information. Keep an open mind and always tailor it. You don't have to follow everything Melissa says, and you can't change everything in 3 months, but tailor it to your needs because at the end of the day you know yourself best! Second thing is to never be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. That is something I do every day in my life as an international student. Stepping out of your comfort zone exposes so many wonders that you will never see if you don't: 
1.) Acknowledge that you have a comfort zone and then 
2.) Make an effort to push yourself! Don't break yourself up doing it… that is not good! When you tap into that potential you get so many more results. That is why I got more than I asked for!  
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