


Diane - Client of the Month
February 2017
Only 2 months in her program and she has changed the way she feels about food, lost more 2 inches around the waist and has improved her posture! Diane, 52

History & Setting the stage...

What was your goal when you originally signed up? 
To lose 10 lbs., and to feel more toned and more lean!

Why was this important? 
My clothes were starting to get tight and I was just not feeling attractive. I was disappointed with myself because I had already lost 10lbs and I gained it back again. I was working out a lot, but it wasn’t helping me lose the weight. I thought I wasn’t eating all that much, but my cravings were REALLY bad!! And I remember when I met you and you said: “Cravings aren’t your fault and I can help you with that,” and this was a huge attraction to you guys. Especially the whole “holistic approach.” I knew there had to be a better way because I wasn’t getting the results on my own and I even worked with other fitness people.

How long had you had this goal? 
Probably about 6 months!

What were the top 1-2 things that held you back from achieving your goal? 
Cravings were HUGE for me. I would veer off my diet and eat too much junk food. I was working out a lot, which I thought was good.

What had you tried BEFORE, to get to your goal?
I would track my calories and work with other fitness people. They would have me on a 1500 calorie limit per day and the I avoided carbs, just eating protein, leafy green vegetables, and nuts. I was also drinking a whole bunch of water and exercising A LOT, to the point of exhaustion!

Getting started...

How did you originally hear about us?
I met lovely Melissa at a Business meeting, BNI networking. What attracted me was her energy and her body, quite frankly, because she looked how I wanted to look... fit, strong and healthy, but not emaciated.

What originally prompted you to seek us out? 
Just hearing the success stories with other clients was very inspiring. A couple of the people in the BNI group meeting said it was a great experience working with you and you were very consistent with the things that you said. There weren't any kind of conflicting messages. So, I thought, well...this is important to me! I don’t see any other kind of options that feel right so it was kind of like a gut thing, I could do this! It resonated with me!

Were you already exercising at the time you enrolled? What was your previous background in fitness? 
I was working out at least 5-6 days a week and I was doing 30-minute beach body videos, which can be kind of intense. They would involve lifting weights and doing aerobic type of activity, or I would run 5 Ks sometimes in my neighborhood, 4-5 days if the weather was good, and then the beach body stuff. So, that was a decent amount of working out, at least 40 min a day. I did that for at least a couple of years if not more. I also did spinning at least 3 days a week.

When you originally signed up what was your first goal? 
I wanted to understand what I needed to eat. Every coach I’ve worked with had a completely different meal plan. One would say leafy green vegetables and a little protein and THAT’S IT (and tons of water.) Another would say lots of beans, rice, and nuts. I just wanted to get some direction and because Melissa sounded like she knows what she is doing, I was going to completely trust her!

Were you more driven to solve a problem or achieve a goal? 
Achieve a goal!

How were you feeling at that time you enrolled?
I was hopeful and encouraged, and surprised that it was so easy. I work out less now than I did, but I feel really good! It’s not like I feel like I’m being a slug. I still have energy. The whole sleep thing, that was something that nobody had ever talked to me about, and the whole hydration thing too. I thought, had to guzzle gallons and gallons of water, and then learned that that’s not the case! Also, having a sleep goal... I didn’t know the body was recovering during sleep. If I get 5- 6 hours, then it would suffice, but I didn’t realize it was actually a way to heal the body. So, it’s the whole understanding of how everything works together that was never brought to my attention. The fitness people suggest getting up earlier and working out, but they aren’t telling you to get to bed earlier then.
It was a badge of honor, as a professional woman, to get less sleep. I mean, we brag about getting 3-4 hours, but then you feel like crap and you’re mean to your kids! You’re thinking that you’re doing something that you should, but you’re not!


How do you feel now?
I feel good. I feel like I have better posture. I'll be curious if that reflects in the pictures. I do feel like I have good energy, and now I'm recognizing more when I'm tired and when I feel like I need sugar. Maybe I need to go bed, or maybe I need sugar... and that’s okay! I'm drink warm milk with honey in it before bed sometimes, but my stomach growls. You guys taught me that I can't go to bed on an empty stomach because my body needs to heal, and it needs energy to heal, so this is all like opposite world, you know! Like the worst thing that I told you Oprah said "Don't you eat a grape past six!

How do you feel about the future?
Well I'm hopeful and I'm trusting the process, because so far so good! The way that I feel now, in terms of the difference, is the cravings are almost gone because I'm listening to my body! If i need something I'll eat it, and I'll eat the right kinds of ice-cream, the right kinds of sweets and then its enough. I don't need a lot to just satisfy that.Any time I would have a craving,  I would go three or four hours without eating and then I would have a craving for a candy bar. Then I would beat myself up because I have no will power. I'd eat a carrot and still have the craving, and again, I would beat myself up for having no will power. That whole statement "It wasn't your fault!" was a huge, huge help for me! It just totally let the steam off the pressure cooker.

What do you love the most about GRF?
You guys are so so nice and laid back! I don't feel judged at all! I feel encouraged and appreciated! I feel like when you're spending time with me, you're not looking at your watch focusing on the next thing. You know? There are some places that are just like "Okay, lets get this one over with"...like "Next!"... "Next!" Yeah, and you always answer my questions, even if I ask them several times.
You're informative too! Your website is great! You're always putting good valuable feedback out there that helps with things I didn't even recognize I wanted to know about, like this whole "PUFA"  thing! It's creating more awareness and its helping me help my family. I'm buying organic food! I know that it's good for my family, even though its more expensive. Its still good for us! 

What would you say to someone who is just starting out or looking to start?
Go with an open mind! I think that's huge! If you got to this point, and you're paying for it and gonna do it, then just let go of everything else you've learned! You could always go back to it, but when you're starting out say "okay, I'm going to trust these people!" Always back stuff up with research. I think, just trust the process and be open! Let go of everything else that you've done so far and just you know delve into it and you'll be happy... be surprised! It totally blew my mind so much so often! I’m going to delve in because the other things haven't worked!

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