6-week Introduction Program

Small Group Fitness
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Welcome to our 6-week Introduction Program "ROCK START your Health!"
We are super excited to have you!

Have you been wanting to get healthier, but you don't know where to start?
Or perhaps,  you are hitting a plateau with your current health program?

Well, this program is for YOU!

This program is designed to teach you the fundamentals of exercise, nutrition and other health components that are essentials to becoming healthy.  We will help you build your foundation, as you put what you learn into practice!

NO diets
NO crazy workout trends
NO pills, supplements or fake food
NO one-size-fits-all programs

ONLY real information and techniques about HOW to be healthy and find balance in your life!

WHAT does the "ROCK START your Health!" 6-week Introduction Program include:
- 1 Initial Individual Evaluation and Assessment 
- 1 Participant Packet that includes tools for your success
- Access to our ROCK START your Health! Facebook closed group page
- 3 Outdoor Group Classes per week for 6 weeks (moving indoors when the weather changes)
- 3 Group Workshops on the Fundamentals of Nutrition and other health tips
- 1 Final Individual Evaluation and Assessment 
- Special Participation Prizes!!!

HOW much is the the program?

Register today for only $249!
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WHEN does is start and WHAT is the schedule?
The registration deadline is Saturday, September 5th !
The Initial Individual Evaluation and Assessment will be in the weekend of September 10-11th
The Outdoor/Indoor Small Group Classes start Monday, Sep 12th at 7pm
Our 3 Workshops will be scheduled during week 1, week 2 and week 4 of the program
The Final Individual Evaluation and Assessment will take place Saturday and Sunday, Oct 22-23rd

Monday, 7-8pm
Wednesday , 7-8pm
Saturday, 9-10am 
The ROCK START your Health! 6-week Introduction Program starts SEPTEMBER 12th!
And places are limited because we want to make sure we offer a special attention to all of our participants!
We will only accept up to 12 participants per program...!

We have created this program to help you understand and build the foundation of health and fitness. Through our practice, we notice that a lot of people struggle to find and apply truthful health information. 

Always tired? Sluggish? Fatigued? 
Having a hard time focussing?
Low in energy?
Stressed? Anxious?
Trying to lose weight?
Having a hard time sleeping at night?
Working out regularly, but still don't get desired results?
Tired of trying diets, cleanses, and workout regimens that don't seem to get you results?
Or perhaps you did get results, but they did not last?

Well, this might be the RIGHT place to start! Our ROCK START your Health! 6-week Introduction Program was created to help you understand the basic elements on how to balance exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress management and lifestyle habits to feel good, look great and become healthier. At GREEN ROCKS FITNESS, we believe health is about finding balance through integrated movement, real food and positive attitude.
Do you have questions about the program? No problem, we love questions! 
Email us here!
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